Stay Away From Leaders on Judgement Day

“There may be numerous lines of people waiting to be judged on Judgement day. If you find a line that is short, you may want to go there to save time. But if that line has many pastors, teachers, and leaders, don’t go there.
Those people will take too long because they have to answer many more questions than the average person.” This was an interesting statement I heard years ago from Dr. Walter Kaiser, an Old Testament scholar. I’ve shared this scenario many times over the years as it points to an important truth.
His words may have been inspired by James 3:1 “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
A high level of integrity is required. Not only in the practice of teaching, but also in life. Teaching has greater value when it is done by a person of integrity. Leaders are more effective when that person lives a life of integrity.
Are you a teacher, preacher, or leader? I believe the same level of integrity is required for all of these. I hope you will stand up to the challenge of integrity.
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Alexi George is a pastor, teacher, and writer. He is devoted to helping people live their potential.
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